Holy Angels’ Novitiate, Pune

Holy Angels’ Novitiate was established in the year 1975. The property was purchased from his Highness Anand Rao Puar, then Maharaja of Dhar, Madhya Pradesh.

Patron - Holy Guardian Angel
Feast - 2nd October
The Holy Angels' Novitiate is placed in scenic surroundings replete with numerous fruit trees and flower plants. This verdant paradise of two acres has about 74 big trees.

We belong to the Sacred Heart Parish,
Yerwada, Diocese of Pune,

A dream realized
From humble beginnings to the present reality, the dream of a Novitiate was made possible by our former Superior General, late Rev. Mother Mary Angela who shifted the Novitiate from Trivandrum, Kerala to Pune for enhancing the all round formation experience of our young formees.

The First Community at HAN was formed by the four professed sisters namely Mother Mary Adelrich as the Novice Directress, Sr. M. Augustine, Sr. M. Martina, Sr. M. Ursula and 17 young budding candidates who were received as Postulants on the 23rd July 1975 and later initiated into the Novitiate.

- Training young girls for the Religious life in the CCR way and spirituality.
- Instilling in them a love for prayer and deep desire to love and serve God and His people.
- Enabling and inspiring them to face the challenges of life bravely with faith in God who has called them to serve Him in the Garden of Carmel.
- Inspiring them to walk in the footsteps of our Venerable Foundress Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion by their complete trust and surrender to God’s will through a life of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty by imbibing the virtues of humility and prayer.
- Motivating and challenging them to live a self-sacrificing, committed and dedicated life in faithfulness bearing much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Mother Adelrich
The First Novice Directress had trained 21 batches from 1975 - 1993

The Formation entered into a New Phase during the tenure of our Superior General Rev. Mother Mary Frances, a visionary and a leader who steadily updated the whole formative system by carefully selecting the young and energetic Formators at all stages to upgrade CCR with the signs of the time thus bringing about a new revival still preserving the Carmelite Spirit and Charism.

Our Dedicated Formators
The Novice Directress from 1975-2022

Mother Adeltrich

Sr. M. Edith

Sr. Margaret Mendonca

Sr. Elsy Paul

Sr. Mary Elma

Sr. M. Lena
1999- 2006

Sr. Antonette
2006- 2008

Sr. M. Analise
2008- 2017

Sr. M. Pamela

Sr. Vira D'sa
Till Date

Novitiate - A Power House of Prayer
During two years of Novitiate the formees are encouraged and inspired for Prayerful discernment of their vocation to the CCR way of life by constantly seeking their recourse to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Novices of Various Batches

First Profession at Holy Angels’ Novitiate

In the year 1997 the Juniors from Holy Angels’ Convent, Trivandrum, Kerala were sent to the Holy Angels’ Novitiate, Pune for the study of One Year Theology at Papal Seminary, Pune and thereafter for the Tertianship. This was another milestone indeed in the formation as our Superior General Rev. Mother Mary Frances envisioned it for better enhancement and all round formation of the young CCR budding sisters as dynamic, intelligent, resourceful and mature religious who would brave the tides of time by keeping themselves abreast along the signs of time.

Fun,Frolic,Celebrations,Community Moments

The Present Community 2018- 2019