Superior General’s Message

Rev. Sr. Molly Attully, CCR

Let Nothing Affright Thee, Let Nothing Trouble Thee

I n today’s fast-moving world, filled with uncertainty, distractions, and endless challenges, the timeless words of St. Teresa of Avila, "Let nothing affright thee, let nothing trouble thee," speak to us more deeply than ever. These powerful words encourage us to pause, breathe, and find peace amidst life’s many storms. They call us to trust in God’s ever-present love, reminding us that our fears, though overwhelming at times, are fleeting when we place them in His infinite care and mercy.

Letting Go of Fear: "Let nothing affright thee, let nothing trouble thee" is a profound call to release fear from our hearts. Fear, if allowed to take root, can become a barrier between us and the joy God offers. It can paralyze us, cloud our judgment, and make us doubt our worth. St. Teresa’s wisdom encourages us to let go of these fears by placing them in God’s hands. In doing so, we open ourselves to His healing grace, which brings true peace and freedom.

Living with a Heart of Trust: To live by St. Teresa's message is to cultivate a heart that trusts in God’s love, no matter what life throws our way. It means surrendering daily to His guidance and care and embracing the journey of faith with confidence. Even in a world driven by uncertainty and fear, her words remind us of a beautiful truth: "God alone suffices."

When we hold onto this truth, we find that nothing can truly affright or trouble us, for we are anchored in the boundless love of God.

Superior General

Rev. Sr. Molly Attully CCR

An endearing personality blessed with a compassionate heart, Sr. Molly touched the lives of many as a Teacher and Head of Institutions in Queen of Angels Convent H.S.S, Baruch, Gujarat, Sacred Heart Convent H.S.S Mathura, U.P, Holy Angels Convent H.S.S and Trivandrum and as a lecturer in St. Teresa’s Institute of Education, Mumbai.
- Elected General Councillor for Education and Mission in 2011
- Re-elected as in 2017 as Assistant Superior General and was in charge of Spirituality and ongoing Formation.
- In 2023 elected as the Superior General.

1st Councillor for Spirituality

Sr. Philda Varghese

- Served as a Teacher, Assistant Headmistress and Animator of the community.
- Assistant Provincial of St. Joseph’s Province, Pune from 2014- 2017.
- Provincial Superior of St. Joseph’s Province, Pune from 2017- 2023.
- In 2023 elected as the Assistant Superior General.

2nd Councillor for Education and Social Apostolate

Sr. Clare D’souza

- Served as a Teacher and Principal.
- Provincial Councillor of St. Teresa’s Province, Mumbai from 2006 – 2014.
- Provincial Superior for the St. Teresa’s Province, Mumbai from 2014- 2021.
- Elected as the 2nd General Councillor in 2023.

3rd Councillor for Finance

Sr. Mary M.M

- Served as a Teacher, Headmistress and Animator of Communities.
- Provincial Councillor of St. Therese’s Province, Kerala for Education and Mission from 2008- 2011.
- Elected as the Provincial Superior of St. Therese’s Province, Kerala from 2011- 2017.
- In 2017 elected as the General Councillor and in 2023 re-elected as the General Councillor for Finance.

4th Councillor for Formation

Sr. Paulina I.V

- Served as a Teacher, Headmistress and Animator.
- Councillor to the Provincial of St. Joseph’s Province, Pune from 2014- 2017.
- Vocation Promotor and Formator of St. Joseph’s Province, Pune.
- In 2023 elected as the General Councillor for Formation.

CCR has 3 provinces