The Angel of God addressed Mother Mary “Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you” [Lk: 1:28]. This greeting of the Angel proves how favoured was Mary, an ordinary village Virgin! Mary became highly favoured one of God by overcoming the trials and tribulations in her life, dedicating her pure life to do good work for God and by co-operating with God in His work of redemption. Thus Our Lady plays an important role in our salvation history.
The Church states, clearly and firmly the titles “Co-redemptix” and mediatrix of All Graces” upon her. Yet, prior to these titles, Christ imparts upon Mary a name more fitting and endearing; that of mother. This position of Mother of God makes Mary totally respectable and noble. She was elevated to this high position by God from the beginning. This reality is undoubtedly revealed by Nicene Creed: “By whom all things were made, who for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary and was made man”. In a final act of love towards humanity, Christ entrusted Mary to St. John on the Cross, gifting the church and subsequently each Christian to His mother.
As God’s mother, Mary intimately knows her Son. Being the fairest of all creation by virtue of her immaculate conception, she is most conformed of all humanity to Christ. As Our Mother, Mary personally knows and loves each of us. Her maternal love for both, her son and for us her children are encouraged with her, a burning desire for us to continually deepen our love for her son and be united to Him and to help and love our neighbour with the grace of Mary to reach her Son. If we can lead a clean, pure and God fearing life surely in Mary’s embrace we can step into a Blessed year.
Sr. M. Berchmans C.C.R